Tag Archives: hypnosis

Smoking becoming a drag?

With Christmas fast approaching, many smokers are mentally gearing themselves up to quit – once the festivities have finished, of course – determined to make sure that this year the New Years resolution will stick. Certainly, as hypnotherapists, we see a marked increase in the numbers of clients wanting help to stop smoking around the […]

This Is Your Brain Under Hypnosis

An article in the New York Times highlights recent brain studies which indicate that when people are acting under hypnotic suggestions, their brains show profound changes in how they process information. The suggestions, researchers report, literally change what people see, hear, feel and believe to be true. (New York Times – 22nd November 2005)

Power of suggestion

Hypnosis gains support as medical tool for dealing with pain, recovery, stress. Teaching hospitals such as Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York and Harvard Medical School are studying and using hypnosis to speed surgical recoveries and manage pain. Stanford University School of Medicine and the Mayo Clinic are studying its effectiveness for treating […]


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Hypnotherapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Medics at The University of Manchester have discovered a way to treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) using hypnotherapy…. With a success-rate of about 70% Professor Whorwell believes that, although labour-intensive, hypnotherapy could be an extremely effective treatment for the condition; and a less expensive alternative to new, costly drugs coming onto the market. The University […]

You won't feel a thing

Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) a team of neuroscientists at the University of Pittsburgh have seen hypnosis actually working on the brain. In a study to be published this year, a group of patients with the painful rheumatic condition fibromyalgia were hypnotised to imagine a dial controlling their pain levels and the brain activity […]